20 October 2007

The heart of a father

Bill is Laetitia's father. He's had a dodgy heart valve for years and this year was the time for it to be fixed!

He went into hospital just before church camp in early September. Normally heart valve replacement patients are out after about four days. Bill was in the ICU for four weeks with another 2 weeks in the rehab ward.

He was under sedation for the week when Queensland had a change of premier. When he came around, and could understand things, Laetitia took pity on him and told him what the date was and that Anna Bligh was now the premier. She and other family members had considered telling him that it was 2008. :-)

While he was under sedation, all his children returned to Brisbane (if not already in town) because he was touch and go. There wasn't much that they could do for him, although Laetitia did sing some hymns to him, but at least they could be around for Bev (Laetitia's mum) supporting her.

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